Eugene Hutz: TOP TEN BOOKS

Gogol Bordello Photo 1 – Credit Daniel Efram

Eugene Hutz (left) pictured with Gogol Bordello. Photographed by Daniel Efram

Ukrainian-born Eugene Hutz is best known as frontman for the Gypsy punk band Gogol Bordello. Hutz has also appeared in films, including 2005’s “Everything Is Illuminated,” alongside Elijah Wood, and as himself in “The Pied Piper of Hutzovina.” Hutz and his family, descendants of the Servo Roma tribe, abandoned their home in the wake of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster when Hutz was just 13, and eventually landed in the United States. It was on this journey that Hutz was introduced to his gypsy heritage and culture, an influence that permeates his stage performances with Gogol Bordello. Gogol Bordello’s latest album, “Seekers and Finders,” is out now.

Below are Eugene Hutz’s favorite books, available to purchase individually or as a set.


The Master and Margarita

Mikhail Bulgakov
A novel of undying power where the system, the rebel, and the esoteric interact in the most innovative way. Good guys lose, but get something more precious than a victory instead. Written in the years of the catastrophic formation of soviet system — but relevant forever.
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The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Eckhart Tolle
It’s a good one, often moronically overlooked as “some new age crap,” but it’s actually a pretty good tool for your ego demolition… if you're into that kind of thing. What sets it apart from all that new age crap is that it’s 100 percent based on experience.
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The Ascension Mysteries

David Wilcock
“The Ascension of Mysteries” picks up where Graham Hancock left off with “Fingerprints of the Gods,” with ancient civilizations and the science of consciousness. Those who’ve poked around Wilcock’s other books and still did not freak the fuck out will find that he has kicked it up a notch. Part of its magnetism is the way Wilcock commands language and constructs sentences that have never before seen the light of the day.
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The Suicide Club

Robert Louis Stevenson 
Seems underrated by modern writers and readers, but it is perhaps one of most entertaining and classy reads in detective fiction. Let’s just remember that it was powerful enough to inspire Arthur Conan Doyle to create Sherlock Holmes and Watson, based on the main characters of this book.
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Gregory David Roberts 
This novel got some backlash for not being a true-to-the-bone story — as if that is the task of a novelist. It is an amazing story of an Australian prison escapee turned community doctor, and his incredible adventures in the slums, Bollywood and various pockets of the underworld. Be it true or not, just remember that we are reading a book —because if you would want to jump into an actual volcano, you could just do that.
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The Art of Loving

Erich Fromm
It’s always good to go back to this book to see how incredibly insightful Erich Fromm was about all pornographic portrayals of love in our civilization.
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Tao Te Ching

Lao Tzu
It's been said that ancient texts are actually starting to lose their relevance due to rapid time unfolding, that they were written in circumstances very, very far from ours. Maybe, but not this one: “Set your intention, then stand in the middle and have all things come to you.”
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The Law Of Light: The Aramaic Mystery

Lars Muhl
It was 2,000 years ago but, people are still talking about it. To unravel the story of Jesus Christ the Savior, Dutch mystic Lars Muhl exercises a unique approach through decoding the teachings of Jesus by diving into its original Aramaic language. The key to it is the transpersonal psychology behind it. He makes a point that the entire teaching was mis-translated way out of line, and without this understanding. There is an opinion that language in general is an obstacle. This book is a strong argument for that.
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What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

Charles Bukowski
I’ve been carrying this book of Bukowski poems with me all over the world for about 15 years. It is written by a hand directly connected to its heart, and nurtures and shelters poetry where it has almost no chance to survive elsewhere.
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Scab Vendor: Confessions of a Tattoo Artist

Jonathan Shaw
An incredible rock ’n’ roll read from a legendary tattoo artist. These autobiographical chapters from a veteran of subculture describe the era when authentic characters still ruled the world, when charisma and life-affirming, adventurous bravado still meant something. It includes encounters with amazing humans such as Iggy Pop. Excellent.
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